Cosmic Minecraft
Minecraft Networks active between 2014 to 2023* that cumulatively had >5,000,000 unique players with peaks of >20,000 concurrent users online at a time.
* CosmicSky is back. IP: cosmicsky.net
Things were pretty epic.

Weekly Updates10
10 years
>1,000 weekly updates
>1,000,000 lines of code
What's next?
The core team behind the Cosmic Networks have not stopped.

TBNR x Fire Games
Production company of Cosmic Co-Founder Preston Arsement (aka "TBNRfrags") working alongside Game development studio lead by Cosmic Co-Founder Robert Latsky (aka "MrWoofless").Did we mention we're hiring?

Fire Data
Big Data, AI, Creator SaaS tools founded and written by the core development team from Cosmic.
Reverse engineering social algorithms with AI, because
Online influence is the future of all influence.
Do you miss us?
Maybe we miss you too... want to stay in touch?
Maybe get access to some exclusive, unreleased content?!XD...orrr maybe you want to chat on discord?
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